a covid-19 dance performance proposal“pleasurefull” is a practice of co-existing dances. The rules are no phones, no screens and no talking. Within 90 minutes of live mixed music we aim for joy- and playful dancing.

link to trailer

“no conceptuality, no theory, just the body dancing. letting go of the static body into the playful dance. allowing vulnerability and joy into the practice of movement and performance.”

“a space where I feel present as my physical self, as opposed to a presentation of a pixelated version of my body. a space to remind me of my ability of connecting to my body from within. a space built with the purpose of celebrating movement of the body. a space to experience and recognise the physical sensations of joy and grief. a space of harmony. a space without judgement. a space for a moment of fun.”

“I am deeply convinced that music should be felt, not just heard, where the bass and drums are fighting to pass through your chest, making you feel alive. As a curator I guide your mood through music.”


Concept and Idea | Anouk Jouanne & Yelena Arakelow
Performance | Anouk Jouanne, Kevin Lopez & Yelena Arakelow
Controller (DJ) | Kevin Lopez (Tigermjólk)
Location | Dansverkstæðið, Tinna Grétarsdóttir
Camera | Marta Hlín Þorsteinsdóttir
Trailer editing | Anouk Jouanne
Pictures | Marta Hlín Þorsteinsdóttir