á og í ;
(Intimacy with Nothingness)
With sensitivity she choreographs and leads the audience through the space of the exhibition and withso introduces an experience of Dance to the fine art world. By approaching to exhibit dance Yelena Arakelow confront how and where movement vs. dance starts, endures and ends.
She asks how movement weights and touches and
dwells in moving sideways in the intimacy of nothingness.
This exhibitions is inspired by Peter Sloterdijks writings on Infinite Mobilization where he looks at how movement leads to more movement; “..the self-exploitation of value as production of productivity is one of the many ways in which the modern mobilization loop begins to turn into movement that leads to more movement.”.
Yelena asks: “Perhaps it’s time to find an end to…”

Title of work/image right to left, up to down
“Leaning on thoughs Landing”
“Moving Sideways, Attempt Nr. 3”
“The Strength Time Takes and The Manifesto”
Video works: “Moving Sideways, Attempt Nr. 3” and “how things touch”
“Moving Sideways, Attempt Nr. 8”
á og í ; (Intimacy with Nothingness)
Listasafn Reykjanesbæjar Museum
Helga Þórsdóttir Curation
Sólbjört Vera Ómarsdóttir Costume
Rósa Dögg Þorsteinsdóttir Lights
Dagur Jóhansson Documentation
Dansverkstæðið Co-production
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