Waiting for a dance

This experimental dance performance proposes to the audience to indulge in the intimacy of waiting.
What does one experience in the state of waiting?
If we wait together, can we collectively experience desire for change? Unfolding time through repetition and nothingness increases the anticipation for something to happen. Perhaps something we don't yet know how to (...)

Titas Falkaukas, Pūga festival

Yelena Arakelow_Concept, Choreography
Baiba Vanaga_Piano
Sólbjört Vera Ómarsdóttir_Costume
Yelena Arakelow_Soundscape

18.08.2022, UNM Iceland

Reykjavik Dance Festival, Iceland_2022
Ásmundursalur (exhibition), Iceland_2023
Culture Night Grenchen, Switzerland_2023
Pūga Dance Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania_2023

Let’s Hang Out Together V, Reykjavik Dance Festival
 tóma rýmið and UNM, Iceland and Vangaži, Latvia

Produced and co-financed by UNM Iceland
with financial support by Tónskáldasjóður Rúv, Reykjavik Dance Festival
and with the friendly support of Ernst von Siemens

Special thanks to
tóma rýmið, Danvserkstæðið, Reykjavik Dance Festival,
Performing Arts Iceland (travel funding), Vikram Pradhan, Jóhannes Stefánsson, Sóley Sigurjónsdóttir and Eydís Rose Vilmundardóttir.

Owen Fiene, Reykjavik Dance Festival
Owen Fiene, Reykjavik Dance Festival

Eydis Rose Vilmundardóttir, Dansverkstæðið

Titas Falkaukas, Pūga festival